Asl tetiba nak cter psal pokok nie??
Nie semua gara-gara ak dapt task bwat traverse n levelling kat kawasan yg ade pokok2.
Mmg ssh but then tempat ak pling best coz sejuk..hehehe
Hmm..jom kita round satu dunia...
Tgok pokok2 yg unik...
Ade jgak antara nyer "The oldest tree in the world"
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-The most oldest tree in the world- |
-The Mariposa Grove is the largest grove of giant sequoias in Yosemite Park- |
-The peliks tree in the world - |
-The arbol del Tule, one of the largest trees in the world- |
-The oldest olive tree in the world- |
-Giant Sequoia National ParkSome of the largest and oldest trees in the world- |
And yg nie pling best... cntik tempat ak la kan..
-The oldest tree from Tenerife (Drago Milenario)- |
-One of the most famous Botanical curiosities of Socotra is the Dragon's tree- |
-Baobab Tree,mcm botol air pon ade..- |
-The oldest olive trees- |
Hmm..amacam?? Pelik2 sape yg berdarah seni tu..
mesti suka sgt dkat natural yg pelbagai nie kan..
like me..(konon berdarah seni) hehehe.. =) tyme benda pelik lain plak..tggu tau!!!
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