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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Feb story

Happiest month utk stakat ni. Alhamdulillah 😊.

I already got my license.
After this panjang la skit langkahnye. Nk2 bila dh kne pndah ke bndar besar. Bnyak cabaran tu. (Mall bersepah nk kne pegi explore) hahaha😆

Travel merata2 pegi melayan adik2 sepupu and also dpt kluar dri kg. After 2 months xmerayap. Terasa la freedom nye.

N yg paling important he is mine.
Even its weird. Jrg sgt cntct tp i will understand him as much as i can.
(p/s: don't cheating behind my back)

See you again next month blog. 😉

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