Thursday, April 28, 2011
Where r U??
Kemana la menghilang nyer my childhood besties..
Dah berberbelas tahun berpisah tak pnah2 jmpe...
Even skang da ade fb,twiiter,myspace,friendster....
still tak jmpe2 jgak..
Miss u a lots..cepat la kembali.. =(
U know what..this video mmg btol2 sme mcm kita men kecik2 dlu kan??
Bak kata Rahma...kenak btol di ati ku bah..bila tgok nie..
Hope sgt dia terbaca my blog nie.. =(
Monday, April 25, 2011
Man Say..
Hmm..Disebabkan dulu ak mmg dikelilingi dengan ramai jejaka2..
Bkn mksud nyer ak playgirl ok..
I mean,tyme sek dlu my school tu major bdak lelaki..
Ak just nak share skit la about lelaki nie..
Dorg sgt rapat dgn girl yg really bley adapt dgn cra dorg berckap n lynan dorg..
Semua org pon tau kan..lelaki suka ckap mcm kasar skit..even dri pndangan dorg..xpon.
Tp bg kita as a woman,rse mcm kasar je..
Lg stu..dorg nie really2 tak pndai nak berselindung..maksud ak mcm ayt kiasan2 gitu la..
1.Kalau lelaki kata: oklah wak, kita sembang lain kali yek
Maknanya: memang kami bz pon.takde nk kias ape-ape.
2.Kalau lelaki kata: tak pe, saya tak kisah.
Maknanya: memang kami tak kesah pon sebenarnye.takde nk perli or sinis-sinis.
3.Kalau lelaki kata: kita kawan aje lah ekk..saya memang suka kat awak tapi saya suka sebagai kawan je.
Maknanya: sebab lame sgt bkawan.dah,x leh nk develope feeling more than a friend.takde sbb laen.mase nak dulu,korg yg jual mahal sape suruh kan.sori la ea.
4.Kalau lelaki kata: eh....u call ekk?sori.ttdo td.
Maknanya: ye,memang kami tdo pon.
5.Kalau lelaki kata: lain kali je la kita keluar, i bz la sekarang ni...nanti i free i call u, kay?
Maknanya: kami ade byk keje yang tertangguh.tolong la pham.jgn la pk -ve sgt.ape pon yg kami buat,utk future.
6.Kalau lelaki kata: i sebenarnya tak la memilih sangat.
Maknanya: mmg kami tak memilih pon.kami pilih perempuan yg sedap mate kami memandang je.x semestinye kene lawa.
7.Kalau lelaki kata:i tak kisah penampilan u macamana pun.
Maknanya: jangan la mekap sgt doe.pnat nak tggu.
8.Kalau lelaki kata: lain kali kita keluar lagi ekk? i kena balik cepat la...ada hal..
Maknanya: memang lepas ni aku nk lg keluar ngan kau.
9.Kalau lelaki kata: saya suka perempuan yg mcm ni...mcm tu..bla...bla. ..bla..
Maknanya: saya tipu je.saya tak kesah pon.lelaki tak detail nk pilih ape2 pon.saje nk bg awak mrajok.sbb awak comel ble mrajok.kihkihkih
10.Kalau lelaki kata:u keje kat mana? as what?
Maknanya:mintak-mintak la keje biase2 je.kalau keje besau.taste pon besau gak.hantaran besau.demand musti tggi pnye.nk jage standard la kate kan. la dorg..terang jer maksud ak nsihat kan...girl2 yg kat luar sna tu..xyh la nak pk2 negative sgt...
mmg dorg mcm gnie..hahahhaa...
Seriusly rindu korg semua...geng!!
For Me??
Beberapa ari yg lepas..tgh syok2 tggu order smbil sembang2 ngan Rahma..
Tetiba dpt msg dari si dia...
Si dia ckap..
Si dia: Syg..i've a song for you..
I said :Yupp..i know.
He said: That song juz for you dear..
Hmm..apelagi,kaw2 la ak kne bahan dgn mereka2 yg suka menyakat ak..
Btw..tak sangka dia layan lagu2 mcm tu kan?
Hehehe..tq awk..
Nak dgr ke lagu tu?? juz clik Our song <3
Ni lyric dia..cube bce,sweet kan? hahaha..
jgn jeles.. =)
~Perfect Two~
You can be the peanut butter to my jelly
You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly
You can be the captain and I can be your first mate
You can be the chills that I feel on our first date
You can be the hero and I can be your side kick
You can be the tear that I cry if we ever split
You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'
Or you can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'
Don't know if I could ever be
Without you cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need
Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Cause your the one for me for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you for you (for you)
You take the both of us of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two
I can be the classmate and you can be my teacher
I even be the guy to see if you're a cheerleader
You're the mat when I write
Camp when I hike
Now my qualities better
You my amp to my mic
You can be like family and I can be your brodie
You can be my fourth ring and I can be your Kobe
If you're feeling hungry I'll be your entree
Our love is like an award show without Kanye
[Price Tag]
See baby we're the perfect two
You couldn't say it better
You the ink to my letter
The wool to my sweater
You're the hook to my song
The last of my friends
You close to me, basically the tats to my skin
So don't leave cuhz baby you the checks to my dunks
The beat to my heart
The air to my lungs
I need you baby cuhz you the actor in my scene
You're the coach to my team
The queen in my dreams,
Baby sing
Don't know if I could ever be
Without you cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need
Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Cause your the one for me for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you for you (for you)
You take the both of us of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two
See you my other half we can make a perfect circle
You can be Laura Winslow and I can be your Urkel
I thought I'd never settle down but you change my way of thinking
So I can be the Freshest Prince and you can be my Jada Pinkett
And now you got me hooked baby you my perfect catch
You keep my fire burning baby you my perfect match
They say nobody's perfect but I say that saying's dumb
Cause even with your imperfections you're as perfect as it comes
You're the worst of my socks
The only ones I've ever loved ever trust
You're the light to my stars that shine above
You're my one and my only true love
You're my right when I'm wrong
My favorite cologne feen for your love girl it's so strong
You ain't never ever gotta worry baby
Cause I be here for forever and a day babe
You know that I'll never doubt ya
And you know that I think about ya
And you know I can't live without ya
I love the way that you smile
And maybe in just a while
I can see me walk down the aisle
[B-Sec 1/2:]
Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Cause your the one for me for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you for you (for you)
You take the both of us of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly
You can be the captain and I can be your first mate
You can be the chills that I feel on our first date
You can be the hero and I can be your side kick
You can be the tear that I cry if we ever split
You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'
Or you can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'
Don't know if I could ever be
Without you cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need
Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Cause your the one for me for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you for you (for you)
You take the both of us of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two
I can be the classmate and you can be my teacher
I even be the guy to see if you're a cheerleader
You're the mat when I write
Camp when I hike
Now my qualities better
You my amp to my mic
You can be like family and I can be your brodie
You can be my fourth ring and I can be your Kobe
If you're feeling hungry I'll be your entree
Our love is like an award show without Kanye
[Price Tag]
See baby we're the perfect two
You couldn't say it better
You the ink to my letter
The wool to my sweater
You're the hook to my song
The last of my friends
You close to me, basically the tats to my skin
So don't leave cuhz baby you the checks to my dunks
The beat to my heart
The air to my lungs
I need you baby cuhz you the actor in my scene
You're the coach to my team
The queen in my dreams,
Baby sing
Don't know if I could ever be
Without you cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need
Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Cause your the one for me for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you for you (for you)
You take the both of us of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two
See you my other half we can make a perfect circle
You can be Laura Winslow and I can be your Urkel
I thought I'd never settle down but you change my way of thinking
So I can be the Freshest Prince and you can be my Jada Pinkett
And now you got me hooked baby you my perfect catch
You keep my fire burning baby you my perfect match
They say nobody's perfect but I say that saying's dumb
Cause even with your imperfections you're as perfect as it comes
You're the worst of my socks
The only ones I've ever loved ever trust
You're the light to my stars that shine above
You're my one and my only true love
You're my right when I'm wrong
My favorite cologne feen for your love girl it's so strong
You ain't never ever gotta worry baby
Cause I be here for forever and a day babe
You know that I'll never doubt ya
And you know that I think about ya
And you know I can't live without ya
I love the way that you smile
And maybe in just a while
I can see me walk down the aisle
[B-Sec 1/2:]
Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Cause your the one for me for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you for you (for you)
You take the both of us of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
Friday, April 22, 2011
Stay up?? Xpercaya~~
Bru2 nie kami semua mmg nak try bwat keje giler..
Hahahahaha....semua curious nak tau kan ape dia??
Actlly xde la gler mne pon..
ok je sebenarnyer..just kami nie berniat nak stay up sampai pagi kat library jer..
So..ak n de geng bersiap2 la nie..kul 8 mlm,trun dinner..
Tyme dinner tu,mmg menyedihkan btol la..
ade ke patut abg kafe tu cri pasal kan..
if org slh amik enu pon salah nyer kan??
No need to be mad kat customer btol tak??
Even prinsip mane2 stall or mall
"customer always right" ker??
ni tibe2 nak cri pasal kan..trus ilang mood..
nak p stdy pon dah pk 2/3 kali jer nak pegi ke tak..
so disbbkan kami semua da kumpul ramai2 kat bawah tu..
truskan je la plan kami tu kan..
dlm pkol 10 bru la kami smpai kat libry tu..
punyer la ramai nyer org stdy kat situ..stdy week pulak kan..mmg tak ley ckap ape la..
sorg da minum air..start da bosan..
siap tnyer ade mknan tak?? sape bwak mknan??
Hahahaha...mjur ak ade bwak roti..tu pon tggal lagi 2 buku jer..terpenyek plak tu...
Mula la jd bhan at last..abis jgak kan.. hahhaaha...
tiba2 my oppa dtg...mmg sje la kan konon2 bwat suprised....mula2 tu siap ckap, "awk,pegi la stdy tak mau kcu..." alik2 muncul jer dia kat situ..eeee....mmg la gedik!! Tyme tu ape lagi..semua drama kluar..semua Director A'an pnyer pasal..nak tau drama nyer p la tyer director sendiri erk..haaha...
masing2 da pening nak stdy..mula la bergosip la..cerita hantu la..mmg tak ley bla la kan..
heyy..tyme2 cam gtu bkak cerita hantu..mjur xde pape..sampai kol 5...masing2 da berat kpala..ape lagi lentok la..ade jgak la jer men tepon..hahaha..
bru la kmi semua trun p tggu bus..then sampai blik dlm kul 8 camtu..sbb p breakfast dlu..haa,sesampai nyer kat bilik ape lgi..terbongkang semua nyer..smpai ptg..
at least berjaya jgak kitorg p stay up kat library..lpas nie tak mau da la...mcm serik jer.pning kpla lau ade yg ajak nnt ak on jer tu.. hahaha..
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Ok..still segar lagi pkul 4 |
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Alamak nmpak pulak plastik roti tu..hahahah |
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Watikkkk... |
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tAsHa yg over lg ceria nyer... |
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still boley bkak mata..hahha |
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Limit da nak abis..pkul 5 sdah... |
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Haa...amik kau. tdor sdah. hahaha.. |
Monday, April 18, 2011
Alamak??? Tetiba je nie...
Hmmm..smlm konon2..dorg ajakla kan hangout cam biasa..BPMall..
so ak pon memikirkan masa hadapan yg tak brape nak cerah tu..
n ak decide tuk duduk kat bilik je la kan..sbb berjimat la konon..heheh..
Then bgun2 dri tido tbe2 receive one msg...
org tu ajak kita lunch..
hahaha...mmg ngam sgt la kan..
sbb takde org nak teman kan ak lunch arinie..hehe..
First tyme kluar ngan dia berdua jer..
fun la..even mkn2 je pon kan..
ape lagi..mcm2 cter la ak bkak kan..
jln2 lgi nek kete..mmg suka la ak..lme tak kuar..hehehe..
Thanks awk..
bwak sy jln2..
Blanje sy mkn lg...
Kumawo!! =)
Friday, April 15, 2011
Night market again???
Semestinyer pegi membeli belah dekat pasar malam taman U..weee~
Bahagia gler konon2..haha.. =D
Biasa la kan..jarang btol ak kluar dri UTHM nie..lain la mcm org lain kan..
Berkereta..mane pernah memerap kat dlm u nie pon..
Xpe2..first year pulak..tggu la ade kereta nnt mmg hilang la memanjang..Hehehe..
Ak pegi pasar malam kan semalam..ade la beli pirates cd nie..
Bkn la nak cter psal cd tu truk ke ape ker kan..
NAk cter pasal cter nie..seriusly tah pape..
Malas la nak mentioned cter ape kan..nnt kne saman la pulak..
yg penting cter melayu la..
mengarut btol cter nyer tu..mmg tak logik..
pokok nyer mmg sakit ati la tgok..
tu mjur tgok kat cd murah je tu..lau p cinema mmg bengang la..
tak berbaloi!!
hmm..lg stu ak shopping bju cap ayam..hahaha..
byik mcm cikai an?? cantik kot t-shirt nyer..
Nak tgok ke?? nnt la ak upload tyme ak pkai erk..
Hahaha..blom pkai lagi tuh..
K la..mengantok sdah..
Doa kan sok ak interview erk..
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Hehehehe...Guys Nak dgr cter tak???
Pasal BTN yg ak kne pegi hari tu..
8-11 april 2011
Kem Kemah Bt 13,Muar johor..
8-11 april 2011
Kem Kemah Bt 13,Muar johor..
korg tak nak dgr ker??
Alllaaaa...meh la bacer..syok nie..
First ak nak tnyer korg la kan..ape first impration korg bila cerita pasal BTN??
Sah2 ckap pasal politik,negara n so on la kan...
Kem BTN ak kali nie mmg lawak gler. serius!!
Mmg la still ceramah or what so ever pasal politik kan..
LDK dia la lucu..Aktiviti dia mmg best...
Antara aktiviti nyer..
* Menyeberangi sungai asid
*Bwat bendera group
*Bwat negara
*Men aktiviti lasak
*Pocho2 & Chicken Dance
*Mainan akhir tu,Ape erk name nyer?? Smbung2 kad dengan mulut yg tak bersuara..
Banyak la kan aktiviti nyer..Nak d jadikan cerita,group kitorg hilang bendera kump.....
Pnyer la bengkek habis mmg salah kami pon. cuai..
Masing2 tak ingat nak amik bendera tu..
Tp sampai sdah xde pon dendanyer..hahahaha...
Tp kami ade effort tau...kami ganti bendera kain tu dengan bendera kertas..gabungan 8 kertas A4..
Sweet kan?? sebijik lak tu..xde beza..
Tyme kuliah subuh or maghrib lak..
Kami asyik tido jer..hahaha...
Bru jer ustaz tu bce bismillah,kami pakat2 tongkat kepala dah...hehe..
Pokoknyer kat sana pantang balik or ade mase rehat jer..
Tido la keje kami..
Mmg sempoi gler kem tu..
Ak pon tak sangka bley jd mcm gtu..
Dengan ade sultan nyer,harimau berantai nyer..buaya sg asid nyer..
sape yg ade kat situ mmg tau la gelaran2 nie untuk sape kan..
Seriusly sgt2 suka kem tu. Rinddduuuu!!!
Nak pegi lagi... =(
Tgokla kenangan2 kami yg ade nie...
-Bahagia nak balik da- |
-Percaya ke ak berucap?? hahaha- |
-Geng bru! Miss u guys..- |
-1 Malaysia!!! - |
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-Group 1- |
-Depan HEP,b4 pegi- |
-Ecah n Rina- |
-Depan hostel- |
-Kinah,Zatul,Nina,Me n Ecah- |
-Fkaas geng- |
-Me & Rina. Raja ketawa..hahah- |
-kami with dayah..- |
-B4 balik..- |
Site Visit
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-Me- |
Bosan la projek2 akhir sem nie..mcm nak kne bwat..
So khamis (07.04.11) lepas my group pegi la bwat site visit kat kolam renang yg bakal siap kat UTHM nie..
Seriusly,nervous la jgak kan first tyme nak masuk site...
Then bila da smpai kat sna...
jmpe pulak dgn site engineer dia yg sporting tu..
mmg best ar..trus hilang nervous nyer..
Mula2 site En.Faizal tu tyer nak ke pegi tgok kolam renang??
Kami pon for sure jer jwab nak kan..
Smpai2 kat diving pool tu...
Hamiiikkkk..kau..tggi nak mampos ko tau..dengan kdlman 5 m...
Kaki jd kaku..Jantung seakan berhenti..hahhaha...
Siot jer..seram gler kot..
Mjur la tak de pape yg berlaku kan..semua nyer selamat.. la nak cter panjang2..jom kita tgok pic dekat site..
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-Sempat lg ok..heheh- |
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-Ieda & Tasha- |
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Kesian nyer.. =(
Hehehehee....first thing,nak cakap pe erk??
Hmm...sorry! sbb skang little bit bzy..sampai blog pon dah tak endah sgt..
Kesian nyer dia kan...
Al maklumla skang ade "thing" lain yg perlu di take care kan..hahaha..
Last week,da settle semua tugasan tuk kolej kediaman..alhamdullilah..
Kemahiran insaniah nie,even nmpak benda senang tp nak melaksanakannya tu..aduhai
susah tol..skang tinggal report lagi nak kne bwat..
Dlm pd mase yg same,name ak plak naik p BTN..ate sabor je la awok nie..
Dah la dpt tau lambat kan..hari khamis bru tau..dah nak bwat2 dramatic tetiba batal..
Syukur gler..yelah sbb tak prepared pape..cuak jgak..
So,Diz week...
Terpaksala ak merelakan diri kan...siap packing2 ape yg patut..
p shopping skit..
Hmm..truk gak nak p sorg2 nie..tak de pulak geng nyer...alahai..
Lonely la jwb nyer kat kem tu nnt.. =(
Hope semua nyer berjalan lancar..
Da la tak bley bwak phne....
AAAaaaahhhhhhh!!!! Tension2.....surelly will miz u a lot.. =(
Nnt ak balik dri kem tu ak story kaw2 ape yg jdi yer..
tggu taw...
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